Day: March 14, 2022

Mar 14

ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 7, § 3, OF THE LAW OF 2 AUGUST 2002 Trading in the financial instruments of Opportunity investment management (OIM), GB00B063YS85, on Euronext Brussels will resume from 19/07/2016 at 09:00 CET.   Source: FSMA

Mar 14
Crypto vs. physical: Musk-Saylor inflation debate boils down to scarcity

Musk acknowledged that assets that are predominantly scarce — such as physical property and company stocks — help investors in maintaining their purchasing power against high inflations. 904 Total views 7 Total shares As rising inflation threatens to eat up further the purchasing power of the global fiat ecosystem, finding the perfect hedge against a […]