Q4 2021 saw 2.5 million people in employment, the highest on record. Strong employment was supported by the domestic labour force, with migration playing a smaller role Two groups drove this labour force expansion; under 25s and women over 35. Evidence that there are longer running trends that have encouraged women to remain part of […]
Climate Forum will meet twice yearly and brings together climate change experts, industry representative bodies, regulated firms, and Central Bank representatives. Central Bank also publishes its first Sustainable Investment Charter. Charter provides a guide to apply sustainable investment principles to the Central Bank’s investment assets. The Central Bank of Ireland has hosted the inaugural meeting […]
The Central Bank of Ireland welcomes the statement from the Banking and Payments Federation Ireland (BPFI) following Tuesday’s CEO roundtable meeting, at which the retail banks set out the programme of work being undertaken by the sector to manage the migration of personal and business bank accounts. The work outlined focuses on the four areas […]
It has come to the Central Bank of Ireland’s (‘Central Bank’) attention that a fraudulent entity has been claiming to be a retail credit firm in the State in the absence of an appropriate authorisation. In this instance the fraudulent entity cloned and impersonated a legitimate Central Bank authorised firms in order to deceive consumers. […]
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘Central Bank’) that a scam entity by the name Renfrew Capital Management (Ireland and Bermuda), formerly operating the website https://renfrewcapitalmgmt.com, has been claiming to be an investment firm / investment business firm in the State in the absence of appropriate authorisations. In this […]
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘Central Bank’) that a scam entity by the name Parker Prime (Estonia / United Kingdom) formerly operating the website addresses: https://parker-prime.com and https://clientzone.parker-prime.com, has been claiming to be an investment firm / investment business firm in the State in the absence of appropriate […]
It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘Central Bank’) that a scam entity by the name World Market Funds (Ireland), formerly operating the website https://wmfunds.co.uk/, has been claiming to be an investment firm / investment business firm in the State in the absence of appropriate authorisations. In this instance the […]
With two consecutive taxes ready to eat away at their holdings, most Indian investors have seemed to have opted for hibernation amid an unforgiving bear market. 1648 Total views 24 Total shares The implications of what anti-crypto regulations can do to a thriving economy can be seen first-hand unfolding in India. Supporting the massive decline […]
Steven Goldstein is based in London and responsible for MarketWatch’s coverage of financial markets in Europe, with a particular focus on global macro and commodities. Previously, he was Washington bureau chief, directing MarketWatch’s economic, political and regulatory coverage. Follow Steve on Twitter: @MKTWgoldstein. Source: Marketwatch
On 14 June 2022, BaFin imposed an administrative fine amounting to 115,000 euros on H&R GmbH & Co. KGaA. The sanction related to a breach of section 130 (1) of the German Act on Breaches of Administrative Regulations (Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz – OWiG) in conjunction with section 115 (1) sentence 2 of the German Securities Trading Act […]