Day: September 10, 2022

Sep 10
Central Bank of Ireland Issues Warning on Unauthorised Firm – Biz Credit Lender

It has come to the Central Bank of Ireland’s (‘Central Bank’) attention that a fraudulent firm, Biz Credit Lender (Ireland), has been operating as a retail credit firm in the State in the absence of an appropriate authorisation. Biz Credit Lender is advertising loans on its website but it holds no authorisation from the Central […]

Sep 10
Central Bank of Ireland Issues Warning on Unauthorised Firm –   Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Glencar ICAV

It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘Central Bank’) that a fraudulent entity, Glencar ICAV (CLONE), operating the website, has been operating as an investment firm / investment business firm in the State in the absence of appropriate authorisations.  In this instance, the fraudulent entity cloned and impersonated a […]

Sep 10
Central Bank of Ireland Issues Warning on Unauthorised Firm –   Fraudulent entity clones authorised firm Managed Accounts Fund Services plc

It has come to the attention of the Central Bank of Ireland (‘Central Bank’) that a fraudulent entity, Managed Accounts Fund Services PLC (CLONE), operating the website and formerly operating the website, has been operating as an investment firm / investment business firm in the State in the absence of appropriate authorisations.  In […]

Sep 10
SBF and the Mooch tie the knot as FTX Ventures takes 30% stake of SkyBridge Capital

Scaramucci calls Bankman-Fried part of the “small universe of outside investors SkyBridge would ever consider partnering with,” promises SkyBridge’s investment strategy will not change. 807 Total views 45 Total shares FTX Ventures, an arm of Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX crypto exchange, will acquire a 30% stake in alternative asset manager SkyBridge Capital, the firms announced Sept. […]

Sep 10
Coronavirus tally: New daily cases fall below 70,000 first time in four months

The seven-day average for new COVID-19 cases continued its two-month downtrend, as it fell below the 70,000 mark for the first time in four months. The daily average was 68,356 on Thursday, down 25% from two weeks ago, and the lowest total since May 5, according to a New York Times tracker. Only four states […]