
About the FCNB
FCNB provides New Brunswickers with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed spending and investing decisions.

We inform, educate, and protect over 780,000 consumers through regulation and financial education, and we regulate 36,000 industry participants who make their living working with New Brunswickers’ money.

As the province’s financial and consumer services regulator, we are responsible for the administration and enforcement of provincial legislation that regulates securities, insurance, pensions, credit unions, trust and loan companies, cooperatives, and more.

Our vision
For the province: a confident and dynamic financial marketplace, and well-informed consumers.

For the organization: a leading financial and consumer services regulator promoting excellence in consumer protection and education.

Our mandate
Protect consumers and enhance public confidence in the financial and consumer marketplaces through the provision of regulatory and educational services. We recognize the importance of setting an example in the areas of transparency and effective governance.

We are an arm's length, self-funded, independent Crown Corporation established by the provincial government on 1 July 2013. We are funded by the regulatory fees and assessments paid by the regulated sectors.

  • Full Name: Financial and Consumer Services Commission
  • Organization Type: Govermental
  • Scope: Regulation, Authorization, Supervision, Membership
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