The FSMA publishes a new version of its communication FSMA_2019_13. This new version has been modified to take into account the new reporting obligations towards ESMA and clarifies the language requirements for prospectus documents. Source: FSMA
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Ekopak, ISIN BE0974380124, on Euronext Brussels is suspended from 27/01/2022 at 09:00 CET until the publication of a press release. Source: FSMA
The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of the company named Patrimoine Connect, which offers investment services without complying with Belgian financial legislation. This ‘company’ is not authorized to provide investment services in or from Belgium. Moreover, the offer made via that website shows numerous indications of fraud and seems to be similar […]
The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of the website named, which offers investment services without complying with Belgian financial legislation. This ‘company’ is not authorized to provide investment services in or from Belgium. Moreover, the offer made via that website shows numerous indications of fraud and seems to be similar to […]
IN THIS NEWSLETTER 25th anniversary of the ‘Cauwenberghs Law’ (Law of 27 March 1995 on insurance intermediation and the distribution of insurance) Your registration file must be up to date at all times! Season’s Greetings! Read more in the newsletter … (available in French or Dutch only) Source: FSMA
During the last weeks, the FSMA continued to receive complaints from consumers concerning new fraudulent online trading platforms that are operating in the Belgian market. The approach remains the same. These trading platforms try to arouse consumers’ curiosity by placing scam ads on social media. In these fake ads, a well-known person often explains how […]
The purpose of this communication FSMA_2020_19 is to inform relevant companies of the addition to the existing eCorporate test environment of an ESEF functionality for downloading and validating annual financial reports prepared in the European Single Electronic Format. Source: FSMA
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Immobel, ISIN BE0003599108, on Euronext Brussels will re-open on 05/01/2021 at 14:30 CET. Source: FSMA
The FSMA publishes an opinion on the transfer of acquired reserves to the pension institution of a new foreign employer. Source: FSMA