Tag: fsma

Jan 11
Newsletter: harmonisation of the conditions for registration and maintaining registration in the various financial intermediation registers

The FSMA aims at maximum harmonisation of the conditions for the registration and the pursuit of financial intermediation activities, particularly insurance distribution, credit intermediation (in consumer and mortgage credit) and intermediation in banking and investment services. Thus, the FSMA’s objective is to simplify and clarify the administrative and regulatory obligations for financial intermediaries. To this […]

Jan 11
The FSMA has launched a consultation about SPACs

A SPAC, or Special Purpose Acquisition Company, is a new company established for the specific purpose of raising capital, applying for a stock exchange listing and within a short period thereafter, financing a merger or acquisition. The FSMA is proposing to introduce minimum standards for SPACs. These minimum standards concern the structure of SPACs, information […]

Jan 11
Update by the NBB and the FSMA on Asset management and Non-bank financial intermediation in Belgium

The National Bank of Belgium (NBB) and the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) are today publishing an updated study on Asset management and Non-bank financial intermediation (NBFI) in Belgium. This update is part of the regular monitoring of these activities, which constitutes a €138 billion market in Belgium. In 2017, the FSMA and the NBB […]

Jan 11
Keynote speech by the Chairman of the FSMA at a high-level conference on sustainability reporting organized by the European Commission

On Wednesday, 6 May 2021, Jean-Paul Servais, Chairman of the FSMA and Vice Chair of IOSCO, gave a speech at a major conference of more than 2000 participants, organized by the European Commission and titled “High-level conference on a Commission proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive – the way forward”. A considerable number of […]

Jan 11
Fraudulent online trading platforms: the FSMA updates its list of suspicious sites

During the last weeks, the FSMA continued to receive complaints from consumers concerning new fraudulent online trading platforms that are operating in the Belgian market. These trading platforms try to arouse consumers’ curiosity by placing scam ads on social media. In these fake ads, a well-known person often explains how to get rich quick. Trading […]

Jan 11
FAQ on the impact of the coronavirus crisis on supplementary pensions

In the light of the coronavirus crisis, the government has drawn up a number of special measures concerning supplementary pensions. These measures have been extended until 30 June 2021. You can find all the relevant information on this matter in the following FAQ section (available in Dutch and in French only). Source: FSMA

Jan 11
Periodic questionnaire on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing

This circular FSMA_2021_10 (available in French or Dutch only) informs obliged entities on the contents of the information, and the modalities for their transmission, intended to be used to assess the compliance and the efficiency of the system they have implemented for combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism. This information is collected by means of an annual questionnaire, […]

Jan 10
Press release on the reopening of trading in Cie Bois Sauvage

ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Cie Bois Sauvage, ISIN BE0003592038, on Euronext Brussels will re-open on 17/05/2021 at 12:00 CET. Source: FSMA

Jan 10
Press release on the suspension of trading in Cie Bois Sauvage

ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Cie Bois Sauvage, ISIN BE0003592038, on Euronext Brussels is suspended from 14-05-2021 at 09:02 CET until the publication of a press release.     Source: FSMA

Jan 10
Press release on the suspension of trading in Recticel

ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Recticel, ISIN BE0003656676, on Euronext Brussels is suspended from 14/05/2021 at 09:00 CET until the publication of a press release.     Source: FSMA