ATVP, the Securities Market Agency is a legal entity of public law. It is independent in performing its tasks. Its basic mission is to maintain a safe, transparent and efficient market in financial instruments. By exercising control over the brokerage companies, banks engaged in investment transactions and services, management companies, investment funds, mutual pension funds, public companies, public-limited companies governed by the Takeovers Act and performing other regulatory tasks, it creates a level playing field for efficient operation of market in financial instruments.
The Agency makes annual reports to the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia on the situation and conditions on the market in financial instruments.
The funds for the work of the Agency are provided by taxes charged for issuing decisions in individual matters and fees for exercising control. The amount of taxes and fees is determined by the tariff issued by the Agency in agreement with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia. The National Assembly gives approval for the annual statement of account and financial plan of the Agency.
The lawfulness, purpose, economic and efficient use of the Agency’s funds are supervised by the Court of Auditors of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Agency has set up an Information Security Management System complying with the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 on the regulation and supervision of the securities market in Republic of Slovenia.