
FCMC, The Financial and Capital Market Commission is an autonomous public institution, which carries out the supervision of Latvian banks, credit unions, insurance companies and insurance brokerage companies, participants of financial instruments market, as well as private pension funds, payment institutions and electronic money institutions.

The Financial and Capital Market Commission ensures enhancing stability, competitiveness and development of the financial and capital markets as well as protection of the interests of investors, depositors and insured persons.

Our mission is to take care for the public interests by regulating and monitoring the functioning of the financial and capital markets, by protecting the interests of investors, depositors and the insured persons, including financial literacy, the development and stability of the financial and capital markets.

Our vision is to be the supervisor and regulator of the financial sector, which exercises its powers consistently, proportionally, in a clear and intelligible manner.

  • Full Name: Financial and Capital Market Commission
  • Organization Type: Govermental
  • Scope: Regulation, Authorization, Supervision, Membership
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