
As an integrated supervisory authority, the FMA, founded in 2002, combines the supervision of all essential providers and functions under one roof.

On the one hand, the FMA supervisesBanks, insurers, pension funds, company pension funds, investment firms and securities service companies, investment funds, financial conglomerates and stock exchange companies. On the other hand, it monitors that legal requirements, fairness and transparency are observed in trading in listed securities (market and exchange supervision); that when securities are offered to the public, comprehensive prospectuses adequately present the opportunities and risks of the investment to the public (supervision of capital market prospectuses); that the principles of good corporate governance and proper advice are observed (supervision of compliance and rules of conduct); that the unauthorized offering and rendering of financial services is prevented and punished; and that all financial institutions have appropriate facilities

  • Full Name: Financial Market Authority Austria
  • Organization Type: Govermental
  • Scope: Regulation, Authorization, Supervision
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