The FSMA regularly informs intermediaries and financial service providers via newsletters about topics of interest to them, such as changes to legislation and supervision. As we approach the end of 2020, the FSMA once again wishes to review certain developments in supervisory practice. In the coming days, you will receive brief newsletters about various topics, […]
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Sipef, ISIN BE0003361632 on Euronext Brussels will re-open on 4/12/2020 at 09:00 CET. Source: FSMA
The Communiction FSMA_2020_17 (available in French or Dutch only) addresses the guidelines published by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on performance fees in UCITS and certain types of AIFs. Source: FSMA
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Sipef, BE0003361632, on Euronext Brussels is suspended from 03/12/2020 at 13:48 CET until the publication of a press release. Source: FSMA
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of Ekopak, ISIN BE0974380124, on Euronext Brussels is reopened from 27/01/2022 at 15:15 CET following the publication of a press release. Source: FSMA
New European rules on sustainable finance have been in the making since 2019. They are gradually coming into force. The FSMA wishes to draw the attention of credit institutions, management companies and investment firms to the sustainability rules that are or will be applicable to them. It has drawn up a document (available in French […]
On 31 December 2020, the United Kingdom (UK plus Gibraltar) will withdraw from the European Union. Brexit has important consequences for the insurance companies and intermediaries that are active in Belgium on the basis of an authorization in the UK. As from 1 January: Insurance companies based in the UK may not launch new activities […]
AML – ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT In its Communication FSMA_2020_12 (French – Dutch) of 6 October 2020, the FSMA provides AMLCOs of entities subject to the Law of 18 September 2017 (‘AML Law’) with a guide (French – Dutch) to help them prepare their annual activity report. The guide offers a clear and comprehensive structure to establish […]
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of “Immo Beaulieu”, ISIN BE0003661726 on Euronext Brussels will re-open on 18/12/2020 at 11:30 CET. Source: FSMA
ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICES AND MARKETS AUTHORITY, PUBLISHED IN APPLICATION OF ARTICLE 78 OF THE LAW OF 21 NOVEMBER 2017 Trading in the financial instruments of “Immo Beaulieu”, ISIN BE0003661726, on Euronext Brussels is suspended on the request of the company from 17/12/2020 at 11:30 CET until the publication of a press release. […]