The FSMA is authorized, pursuant to Article 29, §1, n) of the Law of 11 July 2018 on public offers of investment instruments and the admission to trading of investment instruments on a regulated market (hereafter the ‘Prospectus Law’), to disclose to the public any decision it has made in accordance with Article 29, §1, d) to l) of that Law, unless such disclosure would seriously jeopardize the financial markets or cause disproportionate damage to the parties involved.
The FSMA is invoking the above-mentioned possibility to make public its decision of 8 March 2021 in respect of Octopus-Invest co-op, with registered office at Chaussée de Tirlemont, 90 box 23, 5030 Gembloux and registered under Crossroads Bank of Enterprises number 0700.205.287:
- ordering Octopus-Invest co-op to take the following measures, at the latest by 2 April 2021 (in accordance with Article 29, §1, d) in conjunction with Article 29, §1, b) of the Prospectus Law):
- to provide the services of the FSMA with the full information requested in the course of the earlier correspondence with the FSMA,
- to adjust all advertising that Octopus-Invest co-op disseminates in line with the applicable rules and to confirm these adjustments to the services of the FSMA (providing the services with proof that the adjustments have been made)
- ordering the offering to the public of cooperative shares in Octopus-Invest co-op to be suspended until the aforementioned measures have been taken (in accordance with Article 29, §1, e) of the Prospectus Law);
- informing Octopus-Invest co-op that this order means, among other things, that the company must immediately take offline the website and the advertisements disseminated via Facebook.
Source: FSMA