Mason Ford

The Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) warns the public against the activities of Mason Ford, a company that offers binary options without complying with Belgian financial legislation.

Mason Ford is not allowed to provide banking and/or investment services in or from Belgium.

Furthermore, the FSMA reminds the public that since 18 August 2016, no investment firm (authorized or not) is permitted actively to distribute, within the territory of Belgium, binary options or any other derivative instruments whose maturity is less than one hour and/or that directly or indirectly use leverage (including forex derivatives and CFDs).

The FSMA therefore strongly advises against responding to any offer of financial services made by Mason Ford and against transferring money to any account number it might mention.

The FSMA also reminds the public that in the vast majority of cases, persons who invest in firms that do not hold the requisite authorization never recover the sums invested. These are cases of investment fraud.

Mason Ford uses the website and the following contact details:

Tel.:             +44-161-7685075

To approach consumers, this company also uses false advertisements on social media. More information on this practice is available in the warning published by the FSMA on 30 September 2019.

Would you like to enquire more generally as to whether a transaction being proposed complies with the financial legislation? Please use the search function on the FSMA website. You can also contact the FSMA directly via the consumer contact form.

Source: FSMA

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