Biden, China’s Xi could meet in person in November in Southeast Asia

biden chinas xi could meet in person in november in southeast asia

Chinese officials are making plans for President Xi Jinping to visit Southeast Asia and meet face-to-face with President Joe Biden in November, according to a Wall Street Journal report citing unnamed sources. It would mark the Chinese leader’s first international trip in nearly three years and his first in-person meeting with Biden since the U.S. president’s inauguration, the report said. A White House official, Kurt Campbell, on Friday told reporters that he could “confirm that the two leaders, when they spoke last, discussed a possible face-to-face meeting,” and “agreed to have their teams follow-up to sort out the specifics,” but said he didn’t “have anything further in terms of details on time or location.” The Biden administration “in the coming days” will announce a roadmap for trade negotiations with China, according to Campbell, whose title is deputy assistant to the president and coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs on the National Security Council.

Source: Marketwatch

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