Hand-crafted articles that are tailored to provide you with valuable information in a straight-forward and easy-to-digest manner.
Forex Trading Tips To Avoid Mistakes The Forex industry is one of the challenging industries and unforgiving ones not only to beginner traders but also to experienced ones too. That is why having a trading plan is essential part for any trader. Below we are mentioning some Forex trading tips to consider in your strategy. […]
8 Key Factors that Affect Forex Rates Foreign exchange market is the global market place for exchanging national currencies. Exchange rates are simply the value of one currency in comparison to another and the rate at which each currency can be traded is affect by many factors and have to be considered in every successful […]
Forex Trading Terms In order to become a successful Forex trader, is important to remain up to date with Forex news and Forex terminology that will help you with your trading. First you need to know the basics of foreign exchange. Understanding the basics is the first step towards your own trading strategy. Therefore, you […]
Types of Foreign Exchange Markets Currencies are traded on the foreign exchange market. This the only continuous trading market in the world. In the past the Forex market was dominated only by large banks and institutions and they were trading on behalf of their clients. The last few years it have become more retail oriented […]
Trading in Forex vs Stocks – Which one is better for you? The financial markets offer a wide range of assets classes for investment. What is Forex Trading? The term Forex stands for “foreign exchange”. Forex trading is the process of buying and selling currency pairs. The Forex market is open 24 hours a day […]
Types of Forex Scams and How to Recognize Them There are many scams associated with Forex targeting the public and retail traders. While the Forex market industry is increasing, the amount of Forex scams are also on the rise. Similar methods are also used in cryptocurrency scams. Here’s how to recognize forex scams and stay […]
Searching for the right forex broker is no easy task, but have no fear! Brokerswatch Forex Brokers Directory has made it very simple. Find the right brokers based on the criteria most important to you and compare them side by side for easier selection