Coronavirus tally: Workers leave iPhone facility in China to avoid COVID curbs and visitors stranded at Disneyland in Shanghai


Workers in a manufacturing facility that assemble Apple Inc.’s AAPL, +7.56% iPhone in the Chinese city of Zhengzhou appear to have left to avoid COVID-19 curbs, with many traveling on foot for days after an unknown number of employees were quarantined in the facility after a virus outbreak, the Associated Press reported. Videos circulating on Chinese social media platforms showed people who are allegedly Foxconn workers climbing over fences and carrying their belongings down the road. Separately, visitors to Shanghai Disneyland were left stranded at the park on Monday, after the resort halted operations to comply with new COVID-19 restrictions amid a new outbreak of the virus. In the U.S., known cases of COVID are continuing to ease and now stand at their lowest level since mid-April, although the true tally is likely higher given how many people overall are testing at home, where the data are not being collected. The daily average for new cases stood at 36,869 on Sunday, according to a New York Times tracker, down 2% from two weeks ago. The daily average for hospitalizations was up 3% at 27,415, while the daily average for deaths is down 6% to 352. Globally, the confirmed case tally rose above 630.2 million on Monday, according to data aggregated by Johns Hopkins, while the death toll is above 6.58 million with the U.S. leading the world with 97.5 million cases and 1,070,266 deaths.

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