The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.35% is in danger of a fourth-straight selloff Friday, and is on track to break below the June closing low, as all of the index’s stocks trading in the premarket losing ground. The biggest loser is Chevron Corp.’s stock CVX, -0.08%, which slid 2.4% as crude oil futures CL00, -3.38% dropped 2.2%, followed by Caterpillar Inc. shares CAT, -0.81%, which shed 2.0% toward a near two-year low. The most active stock was Apple Inc.’s AAPL, -0.64%, which dropped 1.4%, while the best performer was Cisco Systems Inc.’s stock CSCO, -1.06%, which slipped 0.2%. Meanwhile, Dow futures YM00, -1.18% slid 271 points, or 0.9%. With the Dow closing Thursday at 30,076.68, that puts the Dow in danger of opening below the June 17 closing low of 29,888.78.