Feedback statement on the information provided by a pension institution through the pension information sheet

The FSMA has carried out a study to assess the quality of the pension information sheets linked to a VAPZ/PLCI agreement (voluntary supplementary pension for self-employed persons). In addition to checking that the pension institutions were complying with all relevant legal provisions, the FSMA also sought to identify a number of good and bad practices in order to share them with the sector.

The study focused on the pension information sheets relating to the stage of pension rights on 1 January 2018. A sample of 188 pension information sheets was examined. However, many of the pension information sheets in the sample turned out to be based on identical standard models used by the pension institutions. Therefore, it was decided to include only one example of the identical models in the results of the survey. Thus, the final report on the study contains conclusions based on 51 ‘unique’ model pension information sheets. These sheets were spread over 18 insurance companies and 3 IORPs.

The report (available in Dutch only) outlines the main findings, as well as all the obligations and recommendations set out by the FSMA in connection with its study. The findings, obligations and recommendations are placed in a broader context. This report is available on the website of the FSMA.

Read more in our Communication FSMA_2021_17 (available in French or Dutch only)…

Source: FSMA

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