White House: Biden’s call with China’s leader is chance to ‘assess where President Xi stands’ on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

35233 white house bidens call with chinas leader is chance to assess where president xi stands on russias invasion of ukraine

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday described President Joe Biden’s upcoming call on Friday with Chinese President Xi Jinping as “an opportunity for President Biden to assess where President Xi stands” on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “The fact that China has not denounced what Russia is doing in and of itself speaks volumes,” she told reporters.

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About the Author

Victor Reklaitis is MarketWatch’s Money & Politics reporter and is based in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining MarketWatch, he served as an assistant editor and reporter at Investor’s Business Daily. Before IBD, he worked for several newspapers in Virginia. Follow Victor on Twitter at: @vicrek.

Source: Marketwatch

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